In Honor of

As with any family, we lose loved ones from time to time, but memories of good times shared will always remain with us.
Arlene Swallows
October 11, 2014 Arlene was a novice hiker when she came to us. Even after she had done a lot of hiking with us, she was often of the mindset, "Oh, I don't think I can do that one!" But she could, and she did! And her cheerful demeanor and joyful spirit made any hike much more fun for all of us. Yes, Arlene, you can do this one! |
Lin-Fa Lee
June 27, 2019 Lin-Fa was one of our earlier members. He was always glad to see you, always had a ready smile, and was always eager to get on with the hike. As closely as we can determine, Lin-Fa joined the club somewhere in the early 90’s, just 3-5 years after we started. He through-hiked the AT in 1995. Perhaps more of a backpacker than a day hiker, he then went on to hike and backpack all over the globe. With a degree from his native Taiwan, four more - including a masters in Chemical Engineering - from this country, Lin-Fa was obviously a very intelligent and well-educated man, but one who also sought and found great enjoyment in the simpler world of putting a pack on his back and setting off on some trail through the woods. |
Bob Rahn
July 28, 2020 With only one lung, but with more than enough heart and spirit to compensate, Bob was a true treasure. Always upbeat, not at the front of the pack on a hike but cheerfully plugging away, he was an inspiration to us all. Quiet, soft-spoken, mild-mannered, he was a joy to have around. |