Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday afternoon we hiked up the river out to the old O&W Railroad Bridge. The bridge was quite interesting and provided some nice views.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday we hiked the Twin Arches/Charit Creek Lodge loop, starting and ending with the arches. This was generally thought to be the best hike of the trip, with its variety of things to see. The arches themselves are very impressive, and the stairs up and down them are lots of fun (?). Walking below the many bluffs as we took the long way down to Charit Creek was very interesting and picturesque. Then we explored Charit Creek Lodge, a very relaxing place to take a nice long lunch break. We trudged up the steep climb back to South Arch, and discovered the neat little West Tunnel, a tight squeeze that provided many laughs. We climbed some more stairs to cross over the top of North Arch and enjoyed some great scenic views from up there.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday we hiked down the river and up to Angel Falls Overlook for some great views of the river.
Oh yeah, Friday evening I was presented a new toy, compliments of Monty Simmons - one of those little scooters that I had seen kids pushing themselves around on in Smokemont campground on our previous car camp this summer. So now this big kid has one (which will likely be a permanent fixture at future car camps).
Lunch on the way up and the way back was at Cumberland Mountain General Store just north of Clark Range - wonderful 50's diner with great burgers and milkshakes and such.
Campers were newbie Sarah Frost, Betty Petty, Kendra Cross, Linda O'Neal, Doug Cooper, and leader John Rowland.
Last updated: 18 December 2010
John Rowland, reporting, photos Linda O'Neal